mynteyed::Camera类 参考

Public 成员函数

std::vector< DeviceInfoGetDeviceInfos () const
 Get all device infos.
void GetDeviceInfos (std::vector< DeviceInfo > *dev_infos) const
 Get all device infos.
void GetStreamInfos (const std::int32_t &dev_index, std::vector< StreamInfo > *color_infos, std::vector< StreamInfo > *depth_infos) const
 Get all stream infos.
ErrorCode Open ()
 Open camera.
ErrorCode Open (const OpenParams &params)
 Open camera with params.
bool IsOpened () const
 Whethor camera is opened or not.
std::shared_ptr< device::DescriptorsGetDescriptors () const
 Get all device descriptors.
std::string GetDescriptor (const Descriptor &desc) const
 Get one device descriptor.
StreamIntrinsics GetStreamIntrinsics (const StreamMode &stream_mode) const
 Get the intrinsics of camera.
StreamIntrinsics GetStreamIntrinsics (const StreamMode &stream_mode, bool *ok) const
 Get the intrinsics of camera.
StreamExtrinsics GetStreamExtrinsics (const StreamMode &stream_mode) const
 Get the extrinsics of camera.
StreamExtrinsics GetStreamExtrinsics (const StreamMode &stream_mode, bool *ok) const
 Get the extrinsics of camera.
bool WriteCameraCalibrationBinFile (const std::string &filename)
 Write camera calibration bin file.
MotionIntrinsics GetMotionIntrinsics () const
 Get the intrinsics of motion.
MotionIntrinsics GetMotionIntrinsics (bool *ok) const
 Get the intrinsics of motion.
MotionExtrinsics GetMotionExtrinsics () const
 Get the extrinsics from left to motion.
MotionExtrinsics GetMotionExtrinsics (bool *ok) const
 Get the extrinsics from left to motion.
bool IsWriteDeviceSupported () const
 Whethor write device supported or not.
bool WriteDeviceFlash (device::Descriptors *desc, device::ImuParams *imu_params, Version *spec_version=nullptr)
 Write device flash.
void EnableProcessMode (const ProcessMode &mode)
 Enable process mode, e.g. 更多...
void EnableProcessMode (const std::int32_t &mode)
 Enable process mode, e.g. 更多...
bool IsImageInfoSupported () const
 Whethor image info supported or not.
void EnableImageInfo (bool sync)
 Enable image infos. 更多...
void DisableImageInfo ()
 Disable image info. 更多...
bool IsImageInfoEnabled () const
 Whethor image info enabled or not.
bool IsImageInfoSynced () const
 Whethor image info synced or not.
bool IsStreamDataEnabled (const ImageType &type) const
 Whethor stream data of certain image type enabled or not.
bool HasStreamDataEnabled () const
 Has any stream data enabled.
StreamData GetStreamData (const ImageType &type)
 Get latest stream data.
std::vector< StreamDataGetStreamDatas (const ImageType &type)
 Get cached stream datas.
bool IsMotionDatasSupported () const
 Whethor motion datas supported or not.
void EnableMotionDatas (std::size_t max_size=std::numeric_limits< std::size_t >::max())
 Enable motion datas. 更多...
void DisableMotionDatas ()
 Disable motion datas. 更多...
bool IsMotionDatasEnabled () const
 Whethor motion datas enabled or not.
std::vector< MotionDataGetMotionDatas ()
 Get cached motion datas. 更多...
void SetImgInfoCallback (img_info_callback_t callback, bool async=true)
 Set image info callback. 更多...
void SetStreamCallback (const ImageType &type, stream_callback_t callback, bool async=true)
 Set stream data callback. 更多...
void SetMotionCallback (motion_callback_t callback, bool async=true)
 Set motion data callback. 更多...
void Close ()
 Close the camera.
bool HidFirmwareUpdate (const char *filepath)
 Update hid device firmware.
void SetExposureTime (const float &value)
 Set exposure time [1ms - 2000ms] value – exposure time value.
void GetExposureTime (float &value)
 Get exposure time value – return exposure time value.
void SetGlobalGain (const float &value)
 Set global gain [1 - 16] value – global gain value.
void GetGlobalGain (float &value)
 Get global gain value – return global gain value.
void SetIRIntensity (const std::uint16_t &value)
 set infrared(IR) intensity [0, 10] default 4
bool AutoExposureControl (bool enable)
 Auto-exposure enabled or not default enabled.
bool AutoWhiteBalanceControl (bool enable)
 Auto-white-balance enabled or not default enabled.


void mynteyed::Camera::DisableImageInfo ( )

Disable image info.

void mynteyed::Camera::DisableMotionDatas ( )

Disable motion datas.

void mynteyed::Camera::EnableImageInfo ( bool  sync)

Enable image infos.

If sync is false, indicates only can get infos from callback. If sync is true, indicates can get infos from callback or access it from StreamData.

void mynteyed::Camera::EnableMotionDatas ( std::size_t  max_size = std::numeric_limits< std::size_t >::max())

Enable motion datas.

If max_size <= 0, indicates only can get datas from callback. If max_size > 0, indicates can get datas from callback or using GetMotionDatas().

Note: if max_size > 0, the motion datas will be cached until you call GetMotionDatas().

void mynteyed::Camera::EnableProcessMode ( const ProcessMode &  mode)

Enable process mode, e.g.

imu assembly, temp_drift

void mynteyed::Camera::EnableProcessMode ( const std::int32_t &  mode)

Enable process mode, e.g.

imu assembly, temp_drift

std::vector<MotionData> mynteyed::Camera::GetMotionDatas ( )

Get cached motion datas.

Besides, you can also get them from callback

void mynteyed::Camera::SetImgInfoCallback ( img_info_callback_t  callback,
bool  async = true 

Set image info callback.

void mynteyed::Camera::SetMotionCallback ( motion_callback_t  callback,
bool  async = true 

Set motion data callback.

void mynteyed::Camera::SetStreamCallback ( const ImageType &  type,
stream_callback_t  callback,
bool  async = true 

Set stream data callback.