How to use ROS

Compile and run the node according to ROS Installation .

rostopic list lists all released nodes:

$ rostopic list

rostopic hz <topic> checks the data:

$ rostopic hz /mynteye/imu/data_raw
subscribed to [/mynteye/imu/data_raw]
average rate: 505.953
  min: 0.000s max: 0.018s std dev: 0.00324s window: 478
average rate: 500.901
  min: 0.000s max: 0.018s std dev: 0.00327s window: 975
average rate: 500.375
  min: 0.000s max: 0.019s std dev: 0.00329s window: 1468

rostopic echo <topic> can print and release data. Please read rostopic for more information.

The ROS file is structured like follows:

│  └─mynt_eye_ros_wrapper/
│     ├─launch/
│     │  ├─display.launch
│     │  └─mynteye.launch
│     ├─msg/
│     ├─rviz/
│     ├─src/
│     │  ├─
│     │  └─
│     ├─CMakeLists.txt
│     ├─nodelet_plugins.xml
│     └─package.xml

In mynteye.launch, you can configure the topics and frame_ids, decide which data to enable, and set the control options. Please set gravity to the local gravity acceleration.

<arg name="gravity" default="9.8" />

For printing debug info, replace Info in to Debug :

    ROSCONSOLE_DEFAULT_NAME, ros::console::levels::Info);