If you have Nvidia's graphic card, you could enable GPU compute capability as follows:
Run the executable named *.exe
to install.
Extract the archive named *.tar.gz
Run "Command Prompt (cmd)" as administrator, then:
Note: Must open a new "Command Prompt (cmd)" as administrator, then execute
to setup SDK. Otherwise, the environment variables won't be correct. Besides, you'd better reopen a "Command Prompt (cmd)" to "Check Installation" and "Build SDK Samples".
After installation, you could check the following environment variables in system:
for searching the libraries.%MYNTEYE_SDK_PATH%
is the first entry to avoid searching the libraries from other paths.If dll not found, you could reboot your computer to ensure PATH takes effect. As we know, it must be reboot on Windows 7.
, mynteye*.dll
, Qt5*.dll
and reboot.api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
not foundnppi64_*.dll
not foundnppi64_80.dll
needs "CUDA Toolkit 8.0".Windows Development Kits:
Add the following environment variables to PATH
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin
Build Essential Tools:
Note: You'd better reopen a "Command Prompt (cmd)" after you change the
Then you could run the sample like this:
Please see "samples/README.md" to learn more about the samples.
Please see "tools/README.md".
The version must be greater than or equal to 2010, which support C++11 features.
You should add the corresponding environment variables to PATH
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio <?>\VC\bin C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\<?>\Bin
And change the following command like this:
> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^ -G "Visual Studio <?> <?> Win64" ^ ..
You can also run cmake -h
to learn more.
However, it is recommended that use Visual Studio 2015, see FAQ 6.
If have issues when installing, you could make an attempt to find it in FAQ.