If you run ./apps/Previewer
or ./samples/bin/camera2 <index>
crashes and see this information:
CUDA Error: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
It seems that your CUDA driver is not proper for CUDA runtime.
You could select to install CUDA driver when install CUDA Toolkit.
If you install the NVIDIA display driver failed like these:
Installing the NVIDIA display driver... It appears that an X server is running. Please exit X before installation. If you're sure that X is not running, but are getting this error, please delete any X lock files in /tmp. ... Driver: Installation Failed A system reboot is required to continue installation. Please reboot then run the installer again. An attmept has been made to disable Nouveau. If this message persists after reboot, please see the display driver log file at /var/log/nvidia-installer.log for more information. ... Driver: Reboot required to continue
You could install the driver as follows:
Or, see this: How can I install CUDA on Ubuntu 16.04?.
You could run apps directly in Terminal, and confirm "Detect CUDA support" or not by the output message.
However, run apps in Terminal is not the same as run them through click to start. You should not export the library search paths as follows:
Otherwise, it may "Detect CUDA support" when run in Terminal, but "Detect CUDA not support" when click to start. Because when click to start apps, they won't know the search paths that you added for Terminal.
To ensure the apps could detect the CUDA runtime correctly, you should add library search paths to system.
On Linux, add the paths to "/etc/ld.so.conf":
On macOS, link the CUDA libs to "/usr/local/lib":
On Windows, if you run a executable using SDK when you has plugged the camera for a while, you may see the following warning:
Warning: Failed to get the camera's infomation. Warning: sn is empty.
Then, the SDK will fetch a default calibration file to "settings/SN.conf" and continue processing. Thus, it will lead to bad depthmap because of the unmatched calibration parameters.
You could replug the camera and run any executable using SDK to solve it.
The reason is the camera will be in low power state on Windows when you has plugged the camera for a while. And the SDK can not get the camera's infomation in this state.
About the camera infomation, the SDK will cache it to a temporary file "setting/mynteye.info.temp" once you got it. When you failed to get the infomation, the SDK will read it from the temporary file if exists. Besides, you could create a file "setting/mynteye.info" to specify the camera infomation.
It is recommended that use Visual Studio 2015 to build "mynteye_sdk_samples.sln".
Alternatively, you could try explicitly linking 'ws2_32.lib' to the executable binaries in <sdk>/samples/CMakeLists.txt
lib/libmynteye_core.so: error while loading shared libraries: /home/cc/mynt/mynteye-1.5-linux-x64-gcc5-opencv-3.2.0/lib/3rdparty/libavformat.so.57: file too short
It means the shared library size is incorrect. Please download the SDK and extract it again.
Besides, you could check the archive's MD5 checksum like that:
.../lib/libmynteye_core.so: error adding symbols: File in wrong format
It means the shared library format is incorrect. Check your system's architecture like that:
Arch | Archive Name |
x86, i686, i386 | - |
x86_64 | x64 |
arm | - |
aarch64 | aarch64 |
The "Archive Name" marked with
means not supported.
Then, download the SDK archive with the same architecture and install.
If you run sample (e.g., ./samples/bin/camera
), but occurs this issue:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): /dev/video0: select timeout
Please confirm the index of your MYNT EYE camera, you could run <sdk>/tools/list_devices
in the Terminal to see the indexes. See "<sdk>/samples/README.md" to learn more.
It may hang when open the camera, after you open and close it several times on macOS.
Reconnecting the MYNT EYE camera will solve this issue.